Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Doodle Palace Guest host today!

I was so excited to be asked to host a challenge this week at Doodle Palace. You see I had won the previous weeks challenge in which you get to pick two digis and then be guest host.
You have to check out their digi's they are so adorable.
Here is the Weekly Challenge #9 - Hosted by Sheryl Greene that I came up with. Please click on over and join in on the challenge.
You can also read my bio.

Here is the card I made for their blog.

I used the techinque shown below. Lots of fun and easy to do.
The digi is from Doodle Palace - aren't they cute sharing a hunk of cheese!
the inside.


  1. This is great Sheryl... I did do a little bit of your techinique on my card (my whoopsy project!). I'll get to the Doodle Palace Challenge soon.

  2. I do love this little image Sheryl, congrats on winning/setting the challenge..
    En xx


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