Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gift Box with Tissue flower

We were shown tonight at our online crop at Memories Always Forever how to make these boxes and tissue bows. I love them!

Here is my go at the box and bow

Here are the directions for the flower:
Using a large circle, or scallop punch (or anything you have to make about a 2 ½ - 3” diameter circle) – punch out circles through several layers of tissue paper. (I used my coluzzle)
Punch a hole in the centre of all pieces of tissue paper, and insert a brad.
Make several random diagonal cuts from outside of circle to about ½” away from the brad.
Separate the tissue paper layers, and scrunch the whole bunch up in your hand.
Release, and dip edges in glitter or ink.
My tissue was already glittered so I did not add to the effect.

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