Monday, February 1, 2010

Blog Award

Hello all, I just received this blog award from my blogger friend - check our Loz's blog she always has the cutest images on her cards.
With this award we are to list our top 10 likes or loves, mine are - trying not to put them in any order... just as they pop in my head:
1) My three children
2) Chocolate - Dove dark is one of many
3) My hobbies (cards, SB and blogging)
4) My Cricut and Cuttlebug
5) My family - siblings
6) Reality shows
7) My 07 Altima
8) Bella our cat whom I spoil
9) 70 degrees days -I hate the cold!
10) Helping people

Now to pass this along to three friends (I wanted to give to Sammye Jo - but Loz sent her one as well) Hi Sammye! hugs!
1) Donna at Popsicle Toes
2) Jewels at Paper Jewels
3) Jamie at Bits of Paper

1 comment:

  1. Hi!!!!! Aww! Thanks for being so sweet!!! I love reality tv too :) Shameless addiction, lol!!!!!


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