Sunday, February 14, 2010

StampTV - sharing a website

Shout out for StampTV - I was blog hopping tonight and do not know how I came to this site but it is packed with video's and challenges and creations from Gina K check out her network blog and her personal blog
Poke through it, the video's are very well done and she speak very clearly. Where have I been that I did not find this site sooner.
She also has printables and freebies - if you use them give her a plug!

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to check that out!!!

    Sheryl, do you know I have blog candy? If not, I'm inviting you to come on over and check out the details, and cast your vote! Who knows, you might win! If you decide to vote -- good luck!

    I'll be seeing you!


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