Monday, May 24, 2010

Come on down and enter Showcase #8

Hello All,
Come on and join the gang with your creations for Showcase #8 at Cute and Some Blog.
Audrey is our designer this week and look at what she has inspired us to do!

Registration is now open today, Monday, May 24 through 8 p.m. on Friday, May 28.
The direct link for registration and detail information is on Audrey's side bar under the label "New Contributors Showcases".

The theme for this week is "Got the Blues". To enter, your projects must include:
  • a minimum of 2 different color blues
  • beads or pearls (rhinestones acceptable)
  • a minimum of one flower
  • ribbon
Have fun and enter the showcase - I'll be reminding you all again mid week.
Here is Audrey fabulous creation to stir the creative activity in us all:
"Got the Blues": Week of May 24 made by Audrey

1 comment:

  1. Sheryl, you're a trooper!!! And I want all your followers and viewers to know it!!!


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