Hello all as you know Showcase #11 begins Monday, June 14, and runs thru 8 p.m. central time on Friday, June 18. I really hope to see your projects entered into the showcase!
I love to re-purpose and dress up things that we can usually find right at home. My theme project for you for Showcase #11 is to dress up a candle. The candle has to be one you've recycled or re-purposed. You can use any candle you may have at home and you can find candles almost everywhere including your local Dollar Stores. You can decorate and embellish them any way you'd like, using any of your favorite colors. Here is the one I've done for you as an example and directions for completing this candle can be found on my blog just arrow down further in an earlier post.
Come back on Monday for the direct link to start to enter the showcase, so come on over, take a look and then get busy preparing yours for the showcase!!!
You can also refer to the top page of Audrey's blog throughout the week to see the picture of my theme sample as a reminder. Ohhh - I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Here is what I created this morning.
Very nice you did a great job tfs