Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Just three words

Over at Operation Write Home they are putting a video together and request us to post what three little words we would like to convey of what Operation Write Home means to me.

Mine are Please Keep Safe

Here is a sign I made with my Cricut, the letters are cut from Winter Woodland at 1 1/2"


  1. Cute, I can't wait until the Blog Hop I just know that it is going to be a lot of fun. See ya then K

  2. The card is wonderful!! Those are the perfect three words to send to our soldiers!

    TFS, Cheryl @ CardsbyCG.blogspot.com

  3. I like your 3 words and I like your sign!!!

  4. Sheryl,
    I love your sign and the 3 words you chose are great


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