Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to our friends up north

Here in the US it is Columbus Day, but I learned it is also Thanksgiving Day in Canada.

(Card I made and posted last year)
I did a little research and it states:
The Canadian Thanksgiving holiday is officially observed on the second Monday of October,
2010: Monday, Oct 11
2011: Monday, Oct 10
2012: Monday, Oct 8
2013: Monday, Oct 14
2014: Monday, Oct 13
2015: Monday, Oct 12


  1. How sweet of you to remember that it is Thanksgiving here. We had our family dinner yesterday, the guys ended up watching hockey and the girls had the cricut just a humming. Love your card have a wonderful day!
    if you have a minute I would love for you to come check out my blog, you never know you just might like what you see and become a follower to LOL

  2. Hi, there my fairy-sister!!! Really cute card and what a nice thought you had to do this!

  3. thanks for the shout-out to us way up here ;) the history of our holiday isn't related to the pilgrims, but i did want to say that is one fine looking hat and card! :D

    off to have a little look around your blog. hope you're having a good day...



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