Thursday, October 21, 2010

Welcome New Followers

I see I have jumped to 213 followers!
Welcome and hope you stay and comment.

A little about myself, I have three children and live in New England here on the east coast.

Right now the leaves are changing to a wonderful yellow red and brown hues.

I post challenges that I enter, ideas, coupons and blog candy.
My next candy will occur when I reach 225 and it will be a Cricut Solution Cart. I won't say which one.... so please leave comments as that is the best way doe me to find you.

As a follower some of your blog accounts do not take me to your home page to chat or post comment.

Look forward to your comments.
I'll leave you a pic of our cat - Bella who has found a new spot for his morning to mid afternoon nap!


  1. Woooo-hooooo!!!! Congrats on your followers, Sheryl!!!

  2. Well, doesn't that Bella just look comfy-cozy! LOL!

  3. Congrats on all your followers! I am loving this sweet cat!

  4. Love that picture! It is just so stinkin cute!

  5. So close, surely 225 will be reached very soon.

  6. love this pic of your cat I have a cat named Bella too, they look a little a like she is more grey Debbie @


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