Thursday, November 18, 2010

Winner of my Blog Candy

This was a time consuming process as I had to make sure those who entered were subscribers and then I checked all blogs (some did not have viewable blogs) for a second entry who might have posted as an alert (thanks for those who did that too).
I wrote all the name on strips of paper

and pull one name

Lorianna said...

I am a follower already. I don't have this cart. would love to win it. Thanks for the chance.
Spreading the word on my blog!!!!

Congratulations! Please email me your home address at my address luv2scrap44 at yahoo dot com
I will mail on Saturday.

FYI - this cartridge will be removed from it's plastic housing container right before I ship it to the winner to save on shipping costs, it is not linked and it is not used. (I do not own a G or a DS - someday....)


  1. Congratulations, my sweet Sheryl!!!! And congrats to your winner!!!

  2. OH MY!!!
    Thank You so much!!
    I am sure gonna enjoy this!!!!
    Emailing Sheryl now

  3. Lori - I mailed your cart today - enjoy


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