Friday, December 31, 2010


Sorry no projects lately - my daughter got her tonsils and adenoids removed on Monday so I am caring for her. So my crafting will resume hopefully in a week.

Hope you all have an enjoyable New Years Eve!


  1. Ewwwww...that's no fun! Hope she recovers quickly and that you all have a Happy New Year!

  2. Ahhh, hope your daughter gets well soon. What a way to spend the holidays. Well, ice cream and jello isn't too bad. LOL. Take care. Joan

  3. Oh, what a terrible way for her to start the new year.. but hopefully whatever issues they were causing will all be over!! Have a wonderful nye and all the best for 2011♥

  4. hope shes doing ok. send my love and hope she gets well soon. cant wait to get back to visiting with you. hugs


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