Sunday, March 6, 2011

Welcome new followers and the winner

Hello to all my new followers from the OWH Bunny Blog hop!
I little about myself. I am a mom of three children - we have our oldest daughter (who gets a weekly card from mom!) in college and twin boys soon to be graduating this year and also going to college in the fall.

I have been crafting oh gosh - forever.... as a child and in my early adult years with sewing and fabric albums (remember those - LOL), then in mid to late 90's I got into scrapbooking - I have over 20 albums completed and then into card making. I love new techniques and have a "to make wish list". Last year I taught myself to make crochet flowers (my very talented sister guided me along) butterflies and hearts all from youtube videos. I couldn't see paying 1.00 a flower and took it as a personal challenge! Recently I am learning and wanting to get into book making and binding (my SIL and I will be getting together soon) so you see I love the gambit of crafting and creating and hope you will comment as i would love to visit your blogs too!

Ok - onto the winner! I have chosen the winner using Random org, and the commenter and follower is

Blogger April B. said...

I love how you used the ribbon on this card!

March 5, 2011 10:53 PM

Hello April Congratulations!
Please email me your home address so I mail out the Martha Stewart clear stamps to you.
Please respond by Thursday or I'll draw a new winner.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy!


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