Saturday, October 31, 2015

Wire wrapped Love bracelet

I recently took a word wrap class at Michael's craft store where I learned to word wrap with wire.
Important notes:  draw out your word
Use proper thickness of wire for your intended purpose
Have the proper tools
Work with the wire on the spool (this was hard for me as it got in my way)

First we did the word Mom...the m were tricky and the perfectionist in me got a little frustrated.... Marianne, the instructor ask my daughter and I what other word we would like to wrap so we tried "Love".

I was pleased at the outcome and made it into a bracelet.

Taking 18 gauge wire we started with a loop, using round nose pliers and partway down the tip.
The "L" was easy bringing the wire up and guiding it down and around.
Again drawing it for the "o", I kept wanting to go in the opposite direction
Continued with the "v", you have to use a minimal amount of wire for the top or start of the "v" and almost picture it in your head
The "e" was easy as well as the last loop.

Since I brought my bag of jewelry making necessities, I cut off a bit of chain, added a lobster claw to make a bracelet.

Also love dangles so added a premade charm.

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