Thursday, November 3, 2016

Book page wreath

I saw this wreath advertised at a class which I thought was right up my alley.
Re-purpose an old book which I bought from the Salvation army for .99, sad to say this book was from 1948; The Valiant Lady. (This book was about 6" x 9")

Cutting a 10" x 10" square from foam board, I drew two circles one at 8" in circumference and then 4"  circle within that.

Punched a hole in the square and ran a jute string through it so I can hang it when done. (see above drawing)
Taking the pages from the book (or if you are using music sheets you may need to cut them down)
I ripped them out and rolled them into a cone, to make the cone start at the lower corner of the page and roll it into a cone shape. I taped the upper side to keep it together.
To know where to place it on one of your two rings (on the white foam board) you stapled about 1.5 " up from the bottom point of the cone.

Taking hot glue gun, glued them by laying the stapled area to the outer ring. I believe there are 32 cones glued to the outer ring of my first layer.
I continued again to fold, tape, staple and hot glue the next grouping to the 4" ring. (I think 25 cones )

The 3rd layer, I rolled the cones on the long side of the page starting in the middle of the long edge thus creating a shorter wider cone and glued (8) them to the center. because there was a gap, so I added the 4th layer (8 more) which were placed between the cones on the 3rd layer.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do in the middle , I had a few of these medallions I made for Christmas ornaments ...and glued one in the center (the medallions were made from old music sheets) .

I found the perfect spot in my home above my stairs when you walk into my house.

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