Hello to all my new followers from the blog hop and hopping in general. I increased to 188 from 170!
When I get to 200 I will be having a goodie box give-away to all my followers.
To my new followers, a little about myself.
I love to craft - have been crafting for years, sewing quilts, cross stitch, made clothes and costumes for my kids when they were real little. (They are now 20 and 17).
Love to dabble in all sorts of crafty idea. My latest I have tried are the washer necklaces and crocheting (thanks to the help my my sister)
This blog has a few features I would like to point out.
On the right side you will see a search box, I am a search kind of person.. so that is there for you to search on a keyword. Perhaps like "wedding" or baby" or "repurpose" or maybe "gift"
Also on the right hand side you can add your email and get this daily fed to your mail box if you like.
I also post coupons for AC Moore and Michael's
well - welcome and please comment so I can hop to your blog too.
You all give great inspiration and would love to learn and case and hop - LOL
Have a great day!
Congrats, my sister-friend!!! Whooopieee!!!